Exhibitions and Displays

Current Museum Exhibitions

Lower Gallery: History of Carisbrooke Castle

Occupying the former medieval hall at the heart of the Governor’s House, this gallery tells the story of Carisbrooke Castle through six of it’s most famous inhabitants.

Upper Gallery: Island Stories

Occupying the upper floor of the Governor’s House, these galleries display objects from the museum’s collection which tell the stories of the people, places and ways of living from the Isle of Wight’s past.

King Charles Bedroom

During Charles’s imprisonment at Carisbrooke, this room was used as his bedroom. He was moved to another, more secure, room after his first, failed, escape attempt.

Princess Beatrice’s Kitchen

Recently restored and used for talks and workshops, Princess Beatrice’s Kitchen shows the unseen side of domestic life at the Governor’s house.

The Ashburnham Collection

Carisbrooke Castle Museum is pleased to show for the first time at the castle a private collection of rare and significant items associated with King Charles I.

Our thanks to the Ashburnham Heritage Trust who has places this collection on long term loan at the museum, to enable greater public access and understanding of the objects and their history.

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