Occupying the former medieval hall at the heart of the Governor’s House, this gallery tells the story of Carisbrooke Castle through six of it’s most famous inhabitants.
Isabella de Fortibus A remarkable and powerful woman who controlled vast lands and property. She was ‘Queen’ of the Isle of Wight, ruling it independently from the Crown.
Peter de Heynoe A hero who, according to local legend, killed a French commander and broke the only siege of the Castle.
George Carey A successful military man, aristocrat and politician. He was Captain of the Isle of Wight when it was under threat from a Spanish invasion.
King Charles I Ruler at the outbreak of the English Civil War, he was imprisoned at Carisbrooke Castle.
Princess Elizabeth Daughter of King Charles I and known for her intellect and religious conviction.
Princess Beatrice Youngest daughter of Queen Victoria and founder of Carisbrooke Castle Museum.