
School loan box

The contents of a WW2-themed loan box, available to teachers

A range of exciting, hands-on school sessions are available at Carisbrooke Castle Museum.

Available for Key Stage 1 to A Level, topics include ‘One Thousand Years in a Castle’ and ‘I’m a King Get me out of Here’, you can download the full list of available sessions. There are also a range of fun and creative pre- and post-visit activities and resources available to teachers to support their school’s visit.

Sessions are facilitated by Heritage Education Officer Estelle Baker – to book and for more information contact her on: or 07813021486.


Museums and Schools

Carisbrooke Castle Museum is a partner in the Isle of Wight Museums and Schools project, a programme which aims to enhance the links between local schools and museums. The partnership of seven museums and cultural organisations from across the island (currently led by the Isle of Wight Council) also includes: Brading Roman Villa, the Classic Boat Museum, Dimbola Museum and Gallery, the Isle of Wight Council Heritage Service (Newport Roman Villa and the Museum of Island History), the Shipwreck Centre and the Cultural Education Partnership.

The Museums and Schools programme is supported by Arts Council England, funded through the Department of Education.

Evacuee week 2016

Children and helpers at the annual Evacuee Week